Daily Archives: July 25, 2023

Attunements for the Earth now in print

Dear OMNI Friends, Our planetary climate crisis calls for all possible creative responses. It calls us to turn and tap into the catalyzing intelligence of Nature. Leslie’s and my new book is titled Attunements for the Earth. It includes Leslie’s photographs and my writings. It’s part of our turning, part of our response, and I would greatly appreciate any support you can offer for sharing it with as many people as possible. Attunements for the Earth is now available on Amazon as an ebook, and in soft and hard bound book form.  Above are the front and the back cover, […]

Hiroshima Nagasaki Day returns

Sunday August 6 – 7:00 pm Omni Center Omni and our predecessors have held Hiroshima Nagasaki commemorations since 1971, but covid caused a deep cleft in our practice. For the first time in 3 years Omni will be hosting an event to honor the deaths of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and remind ourselves of the terrible consequences of using weapons of mass destruction. It’s especially relevant as nuclear nations are facing off over the Ukraine war and multiple other hotspots around the globe. Covid isn’t the only big change that’s happened though. Climate change has caused a near-certain increase in August […]