Monthly Archives: June 2023

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #132, JUNE 28, 2023 US THREATENING WAR AGAINST ANOTHER NUCLEAR POWER OMNI at FARMER’S MARKET this Saturday, June 30, 2023. Our Table is at the NW corner of Fayetteville Square beginning 8 a.m.   We have free copies of Nukewatch Quarterly, Sachs’ article on US/NATO provoking the Ukraine War, an urgent petition, and more to explain why we should take action against the Ukraine War. Three NUCLEAR articles from Consortium News (6-21-23).Scott Ritter.  “On Horseradish & Nuclear War.”“When Vladimir Putin was recently asked about the potential use of nuclear weapons in the context of Ukraine, an understanding of back-alley Russian slang was needed to understand […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #133, JUNE 26, 2023 Michael Mann.  “The Fragility of Truth in the Existential Climate Crisis.”Dick.   Detective Dramas, US Aggression, US Passivity. Denial of climate danger continues.Michael Mann.  “The Fragility of Truth in the Existential Climate Crisis.”   The Humanist (Summer 2023).   “…as I argued in my book The New Climate War, we appear now to be moving past outright denial of the basic science as the evidence becomes plain to the person on the street in the form of the unprecedented heat waves, droughts, wildfires, floods, and superstorms we are now witnessing. We still, however, face a multi-pronged strategy by polluters and their enablers in […]

OMNI WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #131, JUNE 21,  2023 ·       Arkansas Resistance to Nuclear War and Global Warming.OMNI has a table at Farmer’s Market for the next six Saturdays, through July 29, to join our voice with others around the world opposing wars, WWIII, nuclear holocaust, and seeking to contain fossil fuels and rising temperature causing climate change.   ·       Art Hobson, UAF professor, on the danger of nuclear holocaust in the Ukraine War. ·       Wikipedia.  Arkansas’ Betty Bumpers’ Nuclear Peacemaking. “Russia’s attack was not ‘unprovoked’ Where will the stalemate end?”  Art Hobson,   NWADG, 20 June 2023      . . . In order to prevent having yet another NATO-armed […]

US COLD WAR AGAINST CHINA ANTHOLOGY #5 COMPILED BY DICK BENNETT FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, AND ECOLOGY (#4, May 4, 2021) CONTENTS: CHINA NEWSLETTER #5 Threatened War, NEW COLD WAR Political Conflict Economic Technological Psychological Media Peaceful Alternatives TEXTS NEW COLD WAR THREATENED ARMED FORCE On the Brink in 2026 – Michael Klare in TomDispatch Gerry Condon via  1:33 AM (9 hours ago) Michael Klare’s serious warning of a U.S. war on China, with a compelling introduction by Tom Engelgardt (as he is wont to do). TOMGRAM Michael Klare, An All-American Path to War?  POSTED ON JULY 13, 2021 The single scariest night of my […]

United Nations WORLD REFUGEES DAY NEWSLETTER #12, June 20, 2023 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, and ECOLOGY    (OMNI Newsletter #1 June 20, 2008; #2 Dec. 4, 2011; #3 June 20, 2012; #4, June 20, 2014; #5, June 20, 2015; #6 June 20, 2017; #7, June 20, 2018; #8, June 20, 2019; #9, June 20, 2020; #10, June 20, 2021; #11, June 20, 2022). THE UNITED NATIONS HAS BEEN OUR GREAT DEFENDER AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS CONEQUENCES, ESPECIALLY VIA ITS INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON CLIMATE CHANGE (IPCC)JUNE 8, UN WORLD OCEANS DAY JUNE 17, UN DESERTIFICATION AND DROUGHT DAYJUNE 20 , UN WORLD REFUGEES DAY […]


OMNI’s War and Warming Newsletter: OMNI NATO ANTHOLOGY #2, JUNE 18, 2023 ( Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS NATO ANTHOLOGY #2What Is NATO Today? Abelow.  How the West Brought War to Ukraine. Andre Damon.  “NATO Announces Plan for Massive European Land Army.”  World Socialist Web Site. Moon of Alabama.  “No, NATO Will Not Get Ready for War.”  Popular Resistance. Mairead Maguire.  NATO Is the US- dominated Global War Machine. Victor Grossman.  “Brawling on the Brink.” Wolfgang Streeck.  “Means of Destruction” (of Russia and China). George Beebe.  “Ignoring the Ghosts of the ‘Great […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #132, JUNE 19, 2023 Jake Bittle.   The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration.  2023. The untold story of climate migration in the United States—the personal stories of those experiencing displacement, the portraits of communities being torn apart by disaster, and the implications for all of us as we confront a changing future. Even as climate change dominates the headlines, many of us still think about it in the future tense—we imagine that as global warming gets worse over the coming decades, millions of people will scatter around the world fleeing famine and rising seas. What we often don’t realize is […]

Pride Parade needs Omni Marchers this year!

This year more than ever! Pride Parade June 24 4:00 pm start line-up 5:00 pm Parade steps off We all know that LGBTQIA+ friends are seriously under attack. This is the perfect year to stand by them in a clear way. Please email us at if you’re ready to walk with the Omni Board and others to support human rights and well-being on June 24. We’ll be in touch soon. Not to mention that the whole thing is SERIOUSLY FUN. Weekend Activities NWA Trans Fest and March Friday June 23 6:00 p.m. lineup; 7:00 p.m. step-off – NWA Trans […]