Yearly Archives: 2022

Important perspective on Issue 4 – post by Omni member Bob Billig

 If you haven’t voted yet, please consider voting NO on Issue # 4, the Adult Use Cannabis Amendment. We would all like to see decriminalization of marijuana possession. We would all like to see retail sales of marijuana to adults. But Issue 4 is a scam and, big surprise, it’s all about money. The first consideration is that Issue 4 is an AMENDMENT to the state constitution. It’s not a statute, a law, written by the legislature. It is permanently added to the constitution. What should be an issue of law is instead being baked into our state’s founding document. It […]

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #98, NOVEMBER 2, 2022 NUCLEAR WARWorld Beyond War.  Kucinich Calls for Diplomacy.Dick.  Nukewatch Quarterly urgently important.Chris Hedges Warns of the War Mongers and Dr. Strangeloves.Franҫois Diaz Maurin.  “No Place to Hide.” “Kucinich Says Call for Diplomacy to end Ukraine-Russia War Must be Heard. “  By Dennis Kucinich, World BEYOND War, October 26, 2022, CLEVELAND (Oct. 26) Weds – – Dennis J. Kucinich, former Congressman and former Democratic Presidential candidate today called upon Congressional Democrats to “rethink their opposition to diplomacy” as a means to end the war between Russia and Ukraine. The Fall 2022 edition of the Nukewatch Quarterly is now ready for viewing online!Click here […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #99, OCTOBER 31, 2022 Population Growth: 8 billion in NovemberThe Limits of GrowthMark Hertsgaard.  Biden’s Climate Bill.Dick.  The Importance of Time. Jack St George. Trillion Trees Over-PopulationPopulation Connection | Join a Discussion with our Communications Team!   1-28-22 Engage 1-28-22       Hi James R., The global population is racing towards 8 billion—a milestone we’re due to reach next month.  Since the UN released its World Population Prospects over the summer, our Communications staff have been hard at work reporting on the latest projections….We invite you to join a discussion with them to learn more about key takeaways from the UN’s latest population projections, which […]


Gerald Sloan.  “Assisted Suicide.”Join NAPF for the Next Nuclear Dangers Zoom DiscussionDick.  From Holocene to Anthropocene: the Military Bridge. ASSISTED SUICIDE By Gerald H. Sloan Superpowers are playing chicken with nuclear weapons while we try to teach our children how to be better persons. Where’s the contradiction here when words like “shark attack” inspire more fear than “nuclear winter?” No words in any language can span the yawning chasm, no system link such epic doublethink. How to explain to the next generation this abrogation on so vast a scale, no calculus by which our overseers do not fail? Join Us […]

October Time Exchange Potluck

Tues Oct 25 – 6:30 pm – Omni Center These potlucks are becoming very sweet affairs. Put this date on your calendar and plan to come check it out this month. Join us at this month’s Potluck to learn more about how a time bank works and how you can be part of it.

OMNI CELEBRATES UNITED NATIONS DAY OCTOBER 24, 2022 For a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology compiled by Dick Bennett Contents UN Day 2022 Frederick Glaysher’s “Dag Hammarskjöld” FCNL Urges Contact Rep. UN General Assembly 77United Nations Foundation Fulbright on Nationalism “Dag Hammarskjöld” by Frederick Glaysher Dag Hammarskjöld No more of these sad tones of fear and the scourge of war, of chaos and anarchy, of the passions of humankind. Though the first movements wander among the dark and threatening conflicts of Beethoven’s Ninth, the “Ode to Joy” shall come. All the millions will unite as brothers, surrendered to the way of peace, to a higher […]

US-NATO-UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR ANTHOLOGY #26 October 18, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology What’s at Stake.       In the middle of WWI, the highly decorated British Army officer and celebrated poet, Siegrfried Sassoon, wrote “Finished with the War: A Soldier’s Declaration” denouncing the war for being “prolonged by those who have the power to end it.”  The British War Department chose not to courtmartial Sassoon, but instead sent him to an Army hospital specializing in “shell shock” patients (PTSD today).  The military purpose of the hospital was to return soldiers back to the war in France. Its political purpose […]

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #96, October 19, 2022 STOPPING the Ukraine War: OMNI’s 26 Anthologies, the Case for Peace CONTENTS OMNI’S US, NATO, RUSSIA, UKRAINE ANTHOLOGY #14, March 19, 2022 vanden Heuvel.  End the Invasion and Stop the Killing. HISTORY Jeremy Kuzmarov.  Russia’s Invasion Was Provoked: CIA’s William Burns. Dr. Gerald Horne.  “What’s to Be Done in Eastern Europe.”  US: Regime    Change in Russia. Tomgram/Tom Dispatch. “William Astore.” William Astore.  US Cold War, US Arsenal “When Did the Ukraine War Begin?”  US Empire, NATO, 2004 Orange      Revolution, 2006 Decision, 2014 Coup in UK and Maidan Massacre,      Minsk Protocols. Oliver Stone and Igor Lopatonok.  Ukraine on Fire.  […]