Yearly Archives: 2022

Aubrey Shepherd Memorial

Aubrey’s friends and family are invited to share in a Celebration of Life Saturday, December 3, at 2:00 pm Omni Center for Peace, Justice, and Ecology, 3274 N. Lee Ave., Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703 Please join us to honor Aubrey’s love of life, where all emotions are welcome and encouraged. As Aubrey loved all things sweet, please come with your favorite cookies or such, pictures, or words to share while we toast and roast a true one-of-a-kind guy.

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #102, NOVEMBER 30, 2022 WAR’S HORROR AND HOW TO STOP MINDLESS SLAUGHTER Dick, “Then Conscription Began.” Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society. Chris Hedges, The Greatest Evil Is War. Chris Hedges.  “Shadows of War,” War Photographs. Dick, WWI Armistice. Then Conscription Began By Dick Bennett The soldiers cheered “God and Country! for victory over the enemy.  God with us.   (Gott mit uns!)  Over five foot eight the volunteers came,cheering right and honor.They walked tall to kill the enemy,led by kilted bagpipes,into the wire, into the guns. After the Battle of the Marne […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #103 NOVEMBER 28, 2022 Resisting and Adapting to Climate Calamity Tom Athanasiou. Bernie Sanders’ Green New Deal.Peter Friederici.  Beyond Climate Breakdown: Envisioning New Stories of Radical Hope.Robert Gottlieb.  Care-Centered Politics: From the Home to the Planet.  Bernie’s Green New Deal I am reviewing writings I had marked to return to.  One is “Bernie’s Secret Weapon: Only a Global Green New Deal Can Succeed” by Tom Athanasiou (The Nation, September 30, 2019).  The article is three years old, but even more relevant today, for crisis has become emergency, and the public remains apathetic. The “10-year, $16.3 trillion price tag” reflects the “hard scientific truth […]

US-NATO-UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR ANTHOLOGY #27 November 26, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS OF US-NATO-UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR ANTHOLOGY #27  (9 articles, one book) Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies.  War In Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict.   CENSORSHIPCaitlin A. Johnstone.  “PayPal blocks multiple alternative media figures critical of U.S. empire narratives.”“100 million Russian books in line for ban.”ATROCITIESArt Hobson on Atrocities, Killing Civilians.“UN slams Ukrainian attack on Donetsk maternity hospital.” Eva Bartlett.   “Western media and politicians prefer to ignore the truth….”Jeremy Kuzmarov.  Ukrainian Shelling of Donetsk.Patrick Buchanan.  “The Real Purpose of the Ukraine War for the US and Ukraine […]

Circles NWA

More Important Local Work for Justice A community-driven solution to poverty. Circles NWA is a community-driven program that works to increase upward mobility for individuals and families in poverty in Northwest Arkansas. Based on the national Circles®USA model, the Circles program builds intentional relationships (social capital) across socioeconomic lines that help open up long-term pathways for economic mobility and self sufficiency. Visit their website to see what kind of work is going on in Washington County RIGHT NOW Circles NWA

One Earth Project Marketplace

Review by Gail Bingham, Fayetteville Friends Meeting (Quakers) One Earth is a “first world” foundation acting as an accelerator to get funding to initiatives around the globe to combat the impacts of climate change on those most vulnerable. They are challenging the philanthropic world not to stand on the sidelines and have created what they call the One Earth Project Marketplace to “scale climate philanthropy” by putting descriptions of amazing projects needing funding all in one place. They call their approach Philanthro-activism, and there is much to be inspired by in the description of the on the ground work globally here: In their words:  In […]

Was COP27 A Failure?

In Sharm Al Sheik Egypt A short run-down of the results of COP 27. It was not a raging success, but a few positive things came from it. A note on the role the US plays in these meetings… the primary goal of many protesters was a fund for loss and damage. That was accomplished when Biden withdrew resistance to the fund. It’s never China. What a ruse. Covering Climate Now on COP 27…