Yearly Archives: 2022

US, NATO, RUSSIA,UKRAINE war ANTHOLOGY, #22:  peace June 10, 2022

OMNI US, NATO, RUSSIA, UKRAINE war ANTHOLOGY, #22:  peace June 10, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS: WAYS TO PEACE, June 10, 2022 Art Hobson. “The Irrationality of War.”US Peace Council. “A Manufactured Crisis In Ukraine Is Victimizing The World’s Peoples” Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Reiner Braun.  “NO to NATO, YES to Peace with Russia.” Voices from Donbass.    Kristine Melnikova     Alexey AlbuTed Snider.   Diplomacy. Jeffrey Sachs.  Negotiated Settlement. Yanis Varoufakis.  Negotiated Settlement. Deb Sawyer.  Steps to Peace v. Nuclear War. Black Liberation Movement. Dismantle NATO. Katrina vanden Heuvel.  “We […]

78. Climate Memo Mondays, #78, June 6, 2022

78. Climate Memo Mondays, #78, June 6, 2022 Ashley Dawson, ExtinctionChris McGreal, Exxon Must Go To Trial CLIMATE BOOKS DEDICATED TO CHILDREN EXTINCTION IS UPON USOne hundred species are disappearing every day.  Insects are especially vulnerable with more than 40% of species experiencing population declines in the past decade. From The Guardian: “Human nature isn’t driving mass extinction – as some have argued – but our acceptance of capitalism is,” according to Professor Ashley Dawson. In his recent, slim, eye-opening book, Extinction: A Radical History, Dawson lays out the case that our current global economic system is pushing the […]

New podcast from DecARcerate Arkansas.

My Justice Our Justice. The first episode is on solitary confinement. Speakers are formerly incarcerated people telling their own stories. They are insightful, smart and interesting people with “insider” understanding of a system that few of us understand. Definitely worth following.

Plastic bags and Walmart: Some Facts

Ellen Bruce, Fayetteville It is estimated that 4 trillion plastic bags are used each year; 100 billion of them are used in the U.S. They do not degrade. They are found everywhere on earth, from the oceans to Mt. Everest, to the bellies of whales, seals and dolphins. Walmart has an estimated 230 million visits each week to its stores which number 4,742 in the U.S. an 10,593 worldwide. Seven states (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont) have outlawed plastic grocery bags. Walmart has over 800 stores in those states, providing groceries without plastic bags. Walmart is boasting […]


OMNI UN NUCLEAR ABOLITION DAY JUNE 2, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology Notable dates for your calendar:August is Nuclear Free Future Month.JULY 7 United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was adopted on the 7th July 2017, acceded by 122 State Parties.    “Implementing the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.”  The TPNW entered into force in January 2022. The latest issue of the Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament explores how to implement its provisions and build a sustainable regime that will contribute to its goals. Browse now. TEXTS Google Search […]

US, NATO, RUSSIA, UKRAINE war ANTHOLOGY, #21: HISTORY, ORIGINS, CAUSES, MEANING OF THE WAR;  MAY 28, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology Contents of #21 ANTHOLOGY WAR Marius Trotter.  The Russian Perspective, The Crucial History:   FROM WWII TO 2022 The US-NATO-UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR BEGINS IN 2014The Maidan Coup J. Kuzmarov.  2014 Odessa Massacre. John Walsh.  Coup Against Elected Pro-Russian President and Attacks on     Donetsk and Lugansk (Donbass) Pro-Russians. Fergie Chambers.  Neo-Nazi Aidar Battalion Torture vs. Donbass Pro-    Russian Rebels. Statement from Black Liberation Movement.MR Editors, From 2014 to Present. Samir Amin.  Large Geo-Political Context.  Triad of Western Control,Anatol Lieven.  Dangers of US Proxy War.NATO ExpansionGlobal Times.  Now Finland and […]

77. Climate Memo Mondays, #77, May 30, 2022 refugees and international laws.Climate change and biodiversity loss are interconnected crises.The 1.5 goal requires abandonment of 40 percent of “developed reserves.” Atossa Araxia Abrahamian.  “Warming to Climate Refugees?”  The Nation (Feb. 17, 2020).   IIoane Teitiota of Kiribati struggled for years to become the first formally recognized climate refugee, but was rejected finally by the UN Human Rights Committee.  However the UNHRC did recognize the reality of refugees fleeing climate-based dangers.  The author urges readers to join an international movement to vote nationalists out of office and into office politicians who will vigorously support refugees, for example with special visas […]

Peace Books from Joanie Conners

Omni Library NotesPeace Books from Joanie Conners One of OMNI’s earliest supporters was Joanie Conners, professor at UAF. She now lives in New Mexico, is downsizing, visited here recently, and donated to Omni’s library a box of distinguished books.   The books, catalogued by Abel Tomlinson, will be available for loan for one week at OMNI.  This is a good time to remember two other generous book donors: Rev. Dave Hunter, retired minister of UUFF, and Adolph Reed, Jr., Prof. Emer., UAF, and others. — Dick Bennett (Note: Dick Bennett also donated many of the books in our library. Thanks to all of you) […]