Yearly Archives: 2022

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #86, AUGUST 1, 2022 BBC.  E. Bruce Harrison and Power of Corporations to Control Information.George Monbiot.  “Days of Rage. “  The Guardian (July 19, 2022).     Necessity of system change. $The Power of Corporate Public Relations$ to Control Information: An Important Example from TNR’s “Apocalypse Soon” Weekly Climate Newsletter (7-27-22) (from BBC): The Scoundrel E. Bruce Harrison.   The Audacious PR Plot That Seeded Doubt About Climate Change The BBC has a piece on E. Bruce Harrison, the man who might be credited with killing climate policy in the 1990s. Harrison ran a messaging campaign for the Global Climate Coalition, or GCC—a lobbying group of […]

NATIONAL WHISTLEBLOWER’S DAY ANTHOLOGY #12, JULY 30, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace and Justice (#1 Oct. 21, 2011; #2 Dec. 12, 2011; #3 January 31, 2012; #4 Sept. 12, 2012; $5, March 29, 2013; #6, May 22, 2013; #7 June 24, 2013; #8 July 30, 2013; #9 July 30, 2014; #10, July 30, 2019; #11, July 30, 2021). NOTE: FOR EIGHT NUMBERS THIS NEWSLETTER ON WHISTLEBLOWERS and LEAKERS WAS PUBLISHED PERIODICALLY.   Beginning with #8 IT WAS STILL PUBLISHED OCCASIONALLY BUT ON  (AT PRESENT the PROPOSED) NATIONAL WHISTLEBLOWER’S DAY, JULY 30.  SEE EXPLANATION  in #9).  OMNI’s endowed fund at UAF’s Mullins Library […]


COMPILED BY DICK BENNETT FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE AND JUSTICE  (#11 Oct. 8, 2011; #12 Jan. 31, 2012; #13 Feb. 22, 2012; #14 Feb. 26, 2012; #15 March 17, 2012; #16 April 12, 2012; #17 May 21, 2012; #18, July 9, 2012; #19 August 13, 2012; #20 Sept. 10, 2012; #21, Dec. 14, 2012; #22 March 5, 2013; #23 Nov. 12, 2013; #24 March 5, 2014; #25 January 17, 2015; #26, July 28, 2015; #27, June 3, 2018; #28, June 21, 2019; #29, July 11, 2019; #30, August 9, 2019; #31, August 23, 2019.) CONTENTS IRAN ANTHOLOGY #32 […]

CONVERGENCE OF WAR AND WARMING AND By Dick Bennett  7-14-22 As climate changes stress our human institutions, we are likely to face deadly conflicts over critical resources.  Klare.          The threats of wars and warming, their causes and consequences, are well studied, but facing and reversing those threats are, to say the least, nascent sciences.  We know well also the success of organizing denial of or distracting people from the harms of both.  Another reason might be that they are studied piecemeal, when they are occurring simultaneously.   And this factor has been little studied.  The result is constant underestimating.  A war alone is incalculably horrendous.  A war during […]


UN Global Affairs.  “Guterres, World Must Choose Between Action and Suicide.”Murad Qureshi.    “$2 Trillion for War Versus $100 Billion to Save the Planet.”AFSC.  A Guide to protesting.   UN Global Affairs SmartBrief, July 18, 2022 News covering the UN and the world SIGN UP ⋅   SHARE Guterres: World must choose between action and suicide.    Half of the global population is facing the threat of heatwaves, drought, wildfires or storms and yet the world continues to rely on fossil fuels, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told representatives from 40 countries meeting in Germany for talks on rebuilding trust between developing and developed countries […]

ECOSOCIALISM ANTHOLOGY #2, July 22, 2022 Collected by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology Ecosocialism is a vision of a transformed society in harmony with nature, and the development of practices that can attain it. It seeks alternatives to all socially and ecologically destructive systems, such as capitalism, fossil-fuel based economy, patriarchy, racism, and homophobia.  (From #1, Google search).  CONTENTS OF ECOSOCIALISM ANTHOLOGY #2 BOOKS David Camfield.   Future on Fire: Capitalism and the Politics of Climate Change.  PM Press, 2022.  128. Kohei Saito.  Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism.  2017. ARTICLES  (nearly all published in 2022) Garzón Espinoza.  “The Limits to Growth.” Jayatri Ghosh.  “Climate Imperialism […]

Dick Bennett’s REVIEW OF THE KRISHNA KID IN NORTH KOREA by Clifford Mikkelson

Philip Martin, “Style” page editor of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, recently reviewed a new novel by Michael Landweber, which Martin categorized as a “utopian fantasy.” Martin described Landweber’s The Damage Done as “about the end of violence, “at least the end of person-on-person physical violence” because “some mysterious force has made it impossible for us to hurt one another. A bully goes to punch the bullied and the fist loses velocity….Bullets hang in the air.” A dissident imprisoned for his attacks against “Dear Leader” “finds his torturers impotent”; “politicians wonder how they might continue to make war”; the Pope wonders if […]

Time Exchange Second big Potluck

Tues June 28 – 6:00-7:30 pm Omni Center in-person (unless covid numbers are too bad) The first kickoff potluck of the NWA Time Exchange was terrific! 26 people plus kids came to start on this great mutual aid project. Thank you to all of you! The next potluck will be Tuesday June 28 at Omni. Let’s meet at 6:00 pm, since some folks wanted to start and finish a bit earlier. Please join us Omni folks. We’ll keep this as covid safe as we can, and respond to whatever the situation is at that time. But let’s give it as […]