Yearly Archives: 2022

90.  CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #90, AUGUST 29, 2022 Bellamy Foster’s summary and review of IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report.Joanna Person-Michener.  “ Must act on cli­mate.” John Bellamy Foster.  “Be moderate…we only want THE EARTH!” (7-22-22). . . .In terms of the scientific consensus on climate change, the reports of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are most important. The planetary emergency is not, however, confined to climate change, and also encompasses the entire set of planetary boundaries that are now being crossed [CONVERGENCE], demarcating the earth as a safe home for humanity. Most of my comments here, though, will center on climate change. In […]

AFGHANISTAN NEWSLETTER #28, AUGUST 28, 2022. WITHDRAWAL Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace and Justice (#8 April 15, 2011; #9 June 10, 2011; #10 July 3, 2011; #11 July 13, 2011;  #12 Sept. 5, 2011; #13 Oct. 2, 2011; #14 Oct. 15, 2011; #15 Feb. 14, 2012 ; #16 April 27, 2012; #17 May 3, 2012; #18 Oct. 20, 2012; #19 Jan. 14, 2013; #20 August 17, 2013; #21, Feb. 4, 2014; #22, Feb. 22, 2015; #23, August 22, 2017; #24, Dec. 27, 2020; #25, August 22, 2021; #26, Oct., 14, 2021; #27, Oct. 23, 2021;) Contribute to OMNI:  What’s at stake:  […]


Dan Kovalik.  The Plot to Scapegoat RussiaTom Engelhardt.  Tomgram: “Is the Never-Ending Story Ending?” The Plot to Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Putin By Dan Kovalik, Introduction by David Talbot.  Skyhorse, 2017.  Publisher’s Description An in-depth look at the decades-long effort to escalate hostilities with Russia and what it portends for the future.Since 1945, the US has justified numerous wars, interventions, and military build-ups based on the pretext of the Russian Red Menace, even after the Soviet Union collapsed at the end of 1991 and Russia stopped being Red. In fact, the two […]


IPCC, Growth capitalism unsustainable.Johnstone, Rhetoric of imperial narrative.Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, climate disinformation.John Bellamy Foster, Mass mobilization needed. “Leaked report of the IPCC reveals that the growth model of capitalism is unsustainable.”  Originally published: CTXT (Contexto y Acción)  on August 22, 2021.  Another leak of the UN 2022 report warns that the only known way to avert climate breakdown is to avoid any model which is based on perpetual growth. “Imperial narrative control has five distinct elements.” Caitlin A. Johnstone. (7-3-22). All of our world’s worst problems are created by the powerful. The powerful will keep creating those problems until ordinary […]

87 WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #87, AUGUST 17, 2022 NONVIOLENCE, PACIFISMFrancesco Da Vinci.  I Refuse to Kill.In September 2022, World BEYOND War will hold a weekly discussion each of four weeks of I Refuse to Kill: My Path to Nonviolent Action in the ’60s with the author Francesco Da Vinci as part of a small group WBW [zoom] book club limited to a group of 18 participants. Francesco will send each participant a signed hardback. We’ll let you know which parts of the book will be discussed each week along with the Zoom details to access the discussions. SIGN UP HERE. Chris Hedges: Soldiers Speak Out Against America’s Misguided Wars […]

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #86, AUGUST 10, 2022 Sanders.  The Green Zone.  War v. Planet and Civilization.. Dick wrote the following as a KPSQ weekly editorial, #18, Sat. Feb. 24, 2018.  He presented them in 5 to 7 minutes from April 2017 to September 29, 2018 on the weekly program “Folkus,” directed by Jim Lukens. My topic was the convergence of US twentieth-and twenty-first centuries capitalism, wars, climate catastrophe, and population and consumption increase.  (Convergence with the corona virus pandemic, which has killed over a million of US populace, didn’t begin until in 2019.) War v. Environment. Barry Sanders, The Green Zone: The Environmental Costs of Militarism […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #87, AUGUST 8, 2022 Robert Hunziker.  “Greenland Threatens.”Winona LaDuke.  To Be A Water Protector: The Rise of the Windigoo Slayers.John Bellamy Foster.  “Be moderate…we only want THE EARTH!” Coastal Cities Adaptation“Greenland Threatens”    Editor. (7-22-22).Originally published: Countercurrents  on July 20, 2022 by Robert Hunziker (more by Countercurrents)   (Posted Jul 21, 2022).  Climate Change, Ecology, EnvironmentGlobalNewswireGreenland [Conclusion of the article]: Meanwhile, according to NASA: Greenland and Antarctica are losing three times as much ice each year as they did in the 1990s. Years of warnings about dangers of excessive fossil fuel CO2 emissions have not moved the needle. Fossil fuels today account for 75-80% of the energy mix, same as 50 […]

US-NATO-UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR #25 AUGUST 7, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology Html:// CONTENTS Causes of the War Gerald Sussman.  The Long CIA Propaganda WarBryce Greene.  “What’s Missing from Corporate Media’s [MSM] Ukraine Coverage?”  2022. Patrick Lawrence.  “The Great Acquiescence—Glory to Ukraine.”  2022. Michael Welton.  “”…How John Mearsheimer and Stephen Cohen Challenged the Dominant Narrative.”  2022. Kit Klarenburg.  “How CIA Front Laid Foundations for Ukraine War.” More on Nazis in Ukraine (see Anthology #24)Sonja Van den Ende.  “Ruins of Azov Steel Factory Display Nazi Insignia. “ Gregory Shupak.  “Pushing for War Over Ukraine While Ignoring Its Nazi Ties.” Sustaining […]