Monthly Archives: December 2022

Holiday greetings Omni folks and friends

We’re grateful to Omni members and friends for the support you’ve given us over the 21 years that we’ve been here reminding Fayetteville and Arkansas that there’s another way to think about the crazy world we live in. Along with you we’re keeping the fire burning for peace, justice and a sustainable way of living on the Earth.  Simple. Caring. Connected. Inclusive. All the values Omni folks hold for a world that works for everyone. Thank you for the generous gifts of time and money that have gone into making a peace center in Northwest Arkansas. If you want to donate […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #107, December 26, 2022 New Books on Climate This week atYale Climate Connections (12-9-22). 12 titles that make the perfect holiday gift for occasional climate readers. 12 titles for climate activists and academics on your holiday gift list. REVIEW MICHAEL SVOBODA .  “12 titles that make the perfect holiday gift for occasional climate readers.”    DECEMBER 9, 2022. How do the titles in the two lists differ from each other? Included in this first list are new examples of long-standing popular genres: nature and natural history, history, current events, financial advice, and fiction. Climate change is not always the central focus, and the writing is […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #106, December 19, 2022 UP SCIENCE Organizations Studying Climate Change (google search presented these 4 first, many more exist of course; the first two are distinguished UN science institutions,) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change… (IPCC)For example, The UN’s Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services – or IPBES (IPCC)- report said Friday that unless humankind improves the sustainable use of nature, the Earth is on its way to losing 12% of its wild tree species, over a thousand wild mammal species and almost 450 species of sharks and rays, among other irreparable harm. . . . World Meteorological Organization | A […]


— NUCLEAR WAR Prevention and Justice Ron Ridenour. Preventing the Bomb.  CovertAction Magazine.Beatrice Fihn.  ICAN: ICC, Nuclear Weapons War Crimes.Union of Concerned Scientists.  Urge Congress cosponsor a resolution supporting nuclear justice in    the Marshall Islands.Robin Andersen.  FAIR.  Corporate Media and the Ultimate Insanity.Gerry Sloan.  Poets and “UnAmerican Activities.” NUCLEAR WEAPONS Glance Back to Building the Bomb Can An American Scientist Who Smuggled Critical Nuclear Secrets to the Russians After World War II Be Considered a “Good Guy”? New Film Says Yes. CovertAction Magazine via   12-2-22 11:16 AM (2 hours ago)     Can An American Scientist Who Smuggled Critical Nuclear Secrets […]

WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #104, DECEMBER 14, 2022 Ukraine WarBenjamin Abelow.   How the West Brought War to Ukraine.  Art Hobson. Dangers of the Ukraine War. Benjamin Abelow.  How the West Brought War to Ukraine.  May 8, 2022. Misguided American and NATO policies created the Ukraine crisis. Now they risk nuclear war.  Preface: If you prefer to read this essay as a bookThis essay is now available, slightly modified and revised, in book form — Paperback, eBook, and Audible. You can purchase these at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your local independent bookstore. You can also read more about me and my work at my website. A German-lauguage edition is available in […]

OMNI CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #105, December 12, 2022 RESISTANCE TO CLIMATE CATASTROPHEJeff Masters.  Rev. of Disasterology by Samantha Montano..João Pedro Stedile,   Global Disasters, Causes, and Solutions.Geoff and Leslie Oelsner.  Attunements for the Earth.Duncombe and Lambert. The Art of Activism. RESISTANCE TO CLIMATE CATASTROPHE Jeff Masters.   “Disasterology: Disasters from the Front Lines of  the Climate Crisis, by Samantha Montano, a book review.” POSTED IN EYE ON THE STORM, YALE Climate CONNECTIONS (nOV. 27, 2022). The U.S. emergency management and disaster response systems are desperately deficient, and cannot handle the onslaught of climate change-amplified disasters already besieging the nation. That’s the take-home message of Disasterology, the excellent 2021 book by […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #104, December 5, 2022 Military Spending, Climate Crisis, China and USA Jeremy Kuzmarov.“… Vast Military Spending… Greatly Accelerates Climate Crisis.” Michael Klare.  “What If the U.S. and China Really Cooperated on Climate Change?”    Jeremy Kuzmarov.“New Report Details How Vast Military Spending By the Richest Countries Greatly Accelerates Climate Crisis.”  CovertAction Magazine (Dec 05, 2022). So why do climate justice groups like support the war in Ukraine? While the world’s climate negotiators gathered for the COP27 summit in Egypt, a new report published by the Transnational Institute, a Dutch think tank, emphasizes how rising global military spending is a great threat to efforts to combat climate change. According to […]

United Nations Conference of Parties 27 (COP27) December 4, 2022  Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conferences 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27)  CONTENTS UN COP 27 Original Announcement: COP 27 – UN Foundation Climate Change Conference #27.     UN Foundation. “Climate Justice, COP, and an 8 billion milestone.” OMNI Center.  Achievement, US Role. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.  Loss and Damage Fund Achieved, but    not stopping warming. Vijay Prashad.  Loss and Damage Fund achieved, little else. George Monbiot.  A bleak assessment.  The Governments chose to do nothing that could change our catastrophic trajectory. Bill McKibben in The […]