Monthly Archives: September 2022

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #94, SEPTEMBER 26, 2022. Henry Fountain.   “Climate ‘tipping points’ weighed.”W. T. Whitney, Jr..  “Climate change has long prompted migration, now it may drive anti-capitalist consciousness, too.”Editors of the Monthly Review.  What should be the name of the latest epoch and age? Henry Fountain.   “Climate ‘tipping points’ weighed” (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette), Sept. 10, 2022.  Climate ‘tipping points’ weighed.   Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Sep 10, 2022.   Thresh­old for cat­a­clysmic events among find­ings in study.     Read more…      Forwarded by Pat Snyder. Failure to limit global warming to the targets set by international accords will most likely set off several climate “tipping points,” a team of scientists said Thursday, with […]

Still fighting to save Markham Hill!

The Save Markham Hill effort is still alive! We are still trying to save the entire 300-acre intact urban forest and natural areas in the middle of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Our petition (for now) focuses on the the land formerly owned by the Pratt sisters, Evangeline Pratt Waterman Archer (144 acres) and Joy Pratt Markham (62 acres). Over 200 acres of the 300. Please keep sharing the petition,.. More info here… Sign the petition:

Get ready for the November election

Get ready for the November election help you neighbors prep too! BallotReady from Ballotpedia An important issue on the ballot this year is Measure #2 – “The Supermajority Vote Requirement”. This measure was proposed and placed on the ballot by super-conservative legislators last year. They don’t like it that Arkansas has a strong method to give citizen voices in Issues like a higher minimum wage, or approval of medical marijuana, for instance. Clearly very important to regular people, but disapproved of by certain groups. You probably noticed that the legislature was very annoyed by the minimum wage measure. Remember […]

GOTV Warriors needed in Fayetteville

What can you do to help Arkansas stand up to the right-wing challenge? There are so many issues coming up next year that will make or break our democracy. There are so many great people who stepped up to run for political office this year who need help. What we do now will have more impact than in any election of our lives. The election is right around the corner. Don’t let it catch you unprepared. Have you checked your voter registration to be sure you weren’t among the thousands of voters purged from registration lists? Do you know what […]

September Time Exchange Potluck

September Time Exchange Potluck Tues Sept 27 – 6:30 pm – Omni Center The monthly Potluck is a place for Time Exchange people to get to know each other and explore the potentials of time banking. There’s a lot of potential to explore, too. After all, the Culture of Peace that Omni folks have worked 20 years to see could look a lot like a time bank. Neighbors helping neighbors. Building community. Defending our democracy. Standing up for what we believe together. Reaching out across boundaries of race, religion, age, culture, language, ability, and all those other walls that keep […]


UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CELEBRATING  ARKANSAS PEACE WEEK CONTENTS UN International Day of Peace 21 September, 2022Arkansas Peace Week 2022 World Beyond War: Wear a Sky-blue Scarf UN International Day of Peace 21 September – the United Nations › events › peaceday › background The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly. Two decades later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously …UN International Day of Peace The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the […]

US LAWLESSNESS ANTHOLOGY #2, September 11, 2022 COMPILED BY DICK BENNETT FOR A CULTURE OF PEACE, JUSTICE, AND ECOLOGY (#1, 4-24-17) LAWLESSNESS ANTHOLOGY #2 CONTENTSUnited Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.  “’Suicidal’ war on nature.”Samuel Totten (Editor). Dirty Hands and Vicious Deeds:The US Government’s Complicity in Crimes against Humanity and Genocide.World Beyond War.  “Enough is Enough. BDS the US.”Dick.  Lawlessness and Lying. US PresidentsRichard Painter, Peter Golenbock.   American Nero: The History of the Destruction of the Rule of Law, and Why Trump Is the Worst Offender.Dahlia Lithwick.  “Defending the Rule of Law in the Trump Era.” US WARSBrett Wilkins.  “Jimmy Carter.   US ‘Most Warlike Nation in History of the World’.”Bob […]