Monthly Archives: August 2022

US-NATO-UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR #25 AUGUST 7, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology Html:// CONTENTS Causes of the War Gerald Sussman.  The Long CIA Propaganda WarBryce Greene.  “What’s Missing from Corporate Media’s [MSM] Ukraine Coverage?”  2022. Patrick Lawrence.  “The Great Acquiescence—Glory to Ukraine.”  2022. Michael Welton.  “”…How John Mearsheimer and Stephen Cohen Challenged the Dominant Narrative.”  2022. Kit Klarenburg.  “How CIA Front Laid Foundations for Ukraine War.” More on Nazis in Ukraine (see Anthology #24)Sonja Van den Ende.  “Ruins of Azov Steel Factory Display Nazi Insignia. “ Gregory Shupak.  “Pushing for War Over Ukraine While Ignoring Its Nazi Ties.” Sustaining […]

CLIMATE MEMO MONDAYS, #86, AUGUST 1, 2022 BBC.  E. Bruce Harrison and Power of Corporations to Control Information.George Monbiot.  “Days of Rage. “  The Guardian (July 19, 2022).     Necessity of system change. $The Power of Corporate Public Relations$ to Control Information: An Important Example from TNR’s “Apocalypse Soon” Weekly Climate Newsletter (7-27-22) (from BBC): The Scoundrel E. Bruce Harrison.   The Audacious PR Plot That Seeded Doubt About Climate Change The BBC has a piece on E. Bruce Harrison, the man who might be credited with killing climate policy in the 1990s. Harrison ran a messaging campaign for the Global Climate Coalition, or GCC—a lobbying group of […]