Daily Archives: June 24, 2022

Time Exchange Second big Potluck

Tues June 28 – 6:00-7:30 pm Omni Center in-person (unless covid numbers are too bad) The first kickoff potluck of the NWA Time Exchange was terrific! 26 people plus kids came to start on this great mutual aid project. Thank you to all of you! The next potluck will be Tuesday June 28 at Omni. Let’s meet at 6:00 pm, since some folks wanted to start and finish a bit earlier. Please join us Omni folks. We’ll keep this as covid safe as we can, and respond to whatever the situation is at that time. But let’s give it as […]

Jan 6 Hearings on pause til July

Lots MORE NEW tips emerging. The committee needs to review it all. They’ll be announcing the next hearing in July. Stay tuned. Here’s the House committee channel. They’ll broadcast during their live hearings: https://january6th.house.gov/news/watch-live PBS NewsHour will carry the hearings live with reporting and analysis. Check your local listings to find the PBS station near you, or watch online here or in the player at the link below. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/how-to-watch-the-jan-6-hearings Here is the YouTube link for PBS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiL2inz487U

Roe v Wade Overturned!

The conservatives of the Supreme Court have overturned Roe v Wade as they promised. Uncharted waters open up and no right is left sacred now.. Don’t wait to voice your protest. Attend the rally tonight on The Town Square at 6:30 . https://www.facebook.com/events/5068287766590774?ref=newsfeed