Monthly Archives: April 2022

The Living Landscape – From Lawn to Native Garden

Climate Change ForumThe Living Landscape – From Lawn to Native GardenSun May 1 – 1:30 pm – zoom below Designer, architectural writer, and educator Michael Cockram will discuss plans to transform the OMNI center’s grounds into a sustainable “Living Landscape”. Michael will trace his path to green buildings and landscapes through his career as an adjunct professor at the University of Oregon; to reporting on the “sponge cities” of China and efforts to save New Orleans from rising waters using the techniques developed in the Netherlands.  We’ll discuss how Living Landscapes can mitigate the effects of climate change, reduce pollution, […]


OMNI US, NATO, RUSSIA, UKRAINE war ANTHOLOGY #19 4-29-2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology What’s at Stake:   “If people want to understand the war in Ukraine, they need to read widely about it, from different perspectives, including the Russian one, to try and discern the truth about what is going on for themselves.”  MR editors.  The official rationalizations are receiving massive support from the White House, Pentagon, Congress, and mainstream media (including PBS).  In these anthologies we hear some anti-war perspectives. CONTENTS OF US, NATO, RUSSIA, UKRAINE war ANTHOLOGY #194-29-2022 ORIGINS, CAUSES […]

US, RUSSIA, UKRAINE war ANTHOLOGY #18 April 12, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTS OF US, NATO, Russia, Ukraine War Anthology #18, April 12, 2022 Control of Information in the US regarding the US, NATO, Russia, Ukraine WarWhat we mean by alternatives to official war news: that of the US War Party and its media.  We have chosen different sources. Survey of OMNI’s 18 R/U Anthologies, 2014-2022:Total number of entries: 306. Most of these entries were necessarily from sources other than the corporate mainstream because US mainstream newspapers support the nation in its wars. A few examples from #18:  […]

Party People Save Democracy!

Washington County needs people worried about democracy to step up and party.  Omni is encouraging members and friends to work with the Democratic Party to hold fun and enjoyable house parties that will introduce local candidates to their constituents, connect you to what’s happening in Washington County and help to get out the vote for the primary election now, and the general election in November. You invite your friends …your local candidate shows up to meet everybody …you all have a great time, and everybody shows up to vote on May 24! It’ll be such a win-win! If you like […]

Spring wildflower walk

Perfect inspiration for the seasonIn this informative video from last spring, Michael Cockram joins plant expert Burnetta Hinterthuer and the Ross family walking their lovely acreage finding spring bursting out. They’re choosing spicebush to bring back and plant at Omni. The video is from spring 2021, but the plants are eternal.

Climate Activist Research Study Informational Session

Saving Climate Activists: Resilience Support Needed Climate Activist Research Study Informational Session >Begins May 10, 9-week research study>No charge for the informational session or participation in the research >More information below! >Help yourself and other activists thriveProject Lead: Sami Aaron Director of the Resilient Activist Center. Training, Research, Impact, and a Heart for Caring ActivistsIf you care, you suffer too. The Resilient Activist believes that the world needs inspired, visionary activists who have the resilience to see us through these unprecedented times. If you’re one of those visionary activists, or sense just how difficult the times are now, you know […]

US, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, cold war ii ANTHOLOGY #16 April 2, 2022

OMNI US, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, cold war ii ANTHOLOGY #16 April 2, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology contents of russia, ukraine, new cold hot war #16TomDispatch.  New Cold and Hot Wars and Swelling Military.Four Articles via Historians for Peace 3-23-22 Stephen Krotkin, Putin in Russian History. Alfred McCoy, Putin and Xi Jinping in Eurasia. Juan Cole,  We Shouldn’t Want a NATO No Fly Zone. Andrew Bacevich,  US v. International Order. US Mainstream Reporting Disinformation in Dongass Christelle Néant, “Mariupol—Civilians Denounce the Crimes    of the Fighters of the Neo-Nazi Azov Regiment.”  Max Blumenthal, […]

How Does War Trauma Affect Adult Children of Veterans?

A Conversation Fri April 22 – 7:00 pm – in person at Omni CenterJoanie Connors, therapist, peace activist, poet, author and former resident of Fayetteville is writing a book on her father’s experience as a military veteran and the impact of his PTSD on her family. Her research and thinking has made her very curious about other families and how that experience played out for them. This event will be a presentation on Joanie’s book and a conversation on this difficult but crucial topic that is central to helping a war culture begin to heal from the trauma we’ve both experienced and […]