Monthly Archives: February 2022

Open Mic for Peace – In person again!

Sunday Mar 6 2022 – 7:00 pm(emergency-only Zoom link below) Open Mic returns in-person Hoping March will smile on us! Here’s a link to the emergency-only Zoom Open mic session on Mar. 6. But it’ll be better to come to Omni and enjoy the company of your people! It’ll be wonderful to see your faces and hear your voices, good friends! 7:00 pm at Omni Meeting ID: 882 5812 3344 Passcode: 703547

Gulf Waters Need Your Signature — very much!

Food and Water Watch letter to Biden   Are you in a group or organization who cares about climate and water protection? Food and Water Watch is looking for groups just like you to sign an important letter to the Biden administration. 80+ climate and environmental justice organizations – including Omni Center — sent a sign-on letter to President Biden and Interior Secretary Haaland to ban offshore drilling by creating a new Five-Year Offshore Lease Program with no new lease sales beginning in 2022. The letter also calls for Secretary Haaland to follow the law and reject controversial Lease Sale 257, […]

62.  Climate Memo Mondays, February 14, 2022

62.  Climate Memo Mondays, February 14, 2022 Thunberg from Age 15 to 18, World Tour for the Planet.Australia’s Drought: Quentin Beresford’s book Wounded Country.Capitalism and Growth: DEgrowth Necessary. CLIMATE AND POLITICS, POLITICS OF CLIMATE GRETA THUNBERG.  “A Year to Change the World, Episode 3.”  PBS, Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022, 7p.m.  (Episode 1 appeared Feb. 3, 7 p.m.; Episode 2 Feb. 10, 7 p.m.)  All on PBS4 World Ch. 700. CAPITALISM AND CLIMATEAustralia’s Drought: Quentin Beresford’s book Wounded Country. ‘Look up’, Australia: How capitalism and climate change are turning our food bowl to dust.  Editor. (2-8-22). Quentin Beresford’s book […]

60.   WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS,#60   February 9, 2022

60.   WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS,#60   February 9, 2022Conversion Movement from war to peace:Mandy Smithberger, Shifting tax dollars from fear and militarization to hope and human needs.Michael Klare, Stopping the encirclement of China and Russia. “US should shift military spending to pandemic and climate change.”  Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (11-26-21). The COVID-19 pandemic vividly illuminated the many ways in which the American approach to national security has been fundamentally focused on the wrong threats, writes Mandy Smithberger, director of the Center for Defense Information at the Project On Government Oversight. Read more. TOMGRAM Michael Klare, Welcome to the New Cold War in […]

ECONOMIC INEQUALITY NEWSLETTER #2 February 7, 2022 Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology CONTENTSECONOMIC INEQUALITY NEWSLETTER #2 February 7, 2022 Eric Schutz.   Inequality, Class, and Economics. Sanjay Roy.  “World Inequality Report 2022.” Meagan Day.  “The Rich Are Committing Crimes Against Nature.” Vijay Prashad.  “A Programme for a future society that we will build in     the present.” (2022) Nicole Aschoff.  “Smooth Criminals.”  Jacobin (Fall 2021).  Martin Hart-Landsberg.   “The dollar costs of inequality: they are greater     than you think.” Tomgram: Liz Theoharis.  “The Politics of the Poor in an America on     Edge.”  UN Wire.  75% of innoculations so far went to only […]