Yearly Archives: 2021

Tour Intentional Communities

Tour Intentional Communities without leaving home!Explore a variety of new and established intentional communities — ecovillages, cohousing, housing coops, and more. This event will include photos, videos, captivating stories, and insightful dialogue among the presenting communitarians. Plenty of time is included for you to ask your burning questions about community living. Come travel to communities around the world without leaving your armchair! Can’t attend live? No problem! This event will be recorded and sent to all registrants the following day!Sign-up to join and/or get the recording at:

Bioneers Conference

Bioneers Conference Nov 11 – register hereOnline again and wonderful!Please join with us at the Bioneers 2021 virtual conference to experience how some of the wisest among us are bridging the space between worlds.Bioneers 2021 will make the connections from ancient wisdom of forests to the visionary struggles of Amazonian First Peoples to protect the rainforest – from the wisdom of trauma for healing to Ecological Medicine and health equity – from the genius of the biophilic design revolution to designing nature-based infrastructures – from the Green New Deal to regenerative agriculture and the power of soil to sequester carbon – […]

Robert’s Gap Burn and Development Project

Omni Climate Change ForumSunday Nov 7 – 1:30 pm on zoom (link below)Robert’s Gap Burn and Development Project Arkansas Forest Service needs citizen input. This is watershed for the Buffalo River. The runoff is already damaging our iconic waterway. AFS is not considering all the consequences for the river or the people who depend on the watershed.Gordon Watkins of the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance will discuss the US Forest Service’s Robert’s Gap Project.Robert’s Gap is a 40,000 acre, 60 square mile USFS tract encompassing the headwaters of not only the Buffalo National River, but also the White, Kings and Mulberry […]

Free Community Cookout in West Fork!

AR Criminal Justice Reform CoalitionCounty Problems Need Citizen Attention Free Community Cookout in West Fork! THURSDAY Oct 28, 6:00-8:00 pm, West Fork Riverside ParkRe-scheduled cookout after that lovely fall rain that came at just the wrong time! Please join us for deep conversation on the real needs in the community. Washington County Quorum Court has made questionable decisions about how to spend your covid relief money. Come to the cookout to tell them what you and your neighbors really need.What does the Court majority want to do with it? > Big raises for Justices and the county lawyer (who’s chair […]

COP26, UN CC CONFERENCE Glasgow, October 31 to November 12, 2021

COP26, UN CC CONFERENCE Glasgow, October 31 to November 12, 2021 OMNI COUNTDOWN 9-15-21 to 11-12-21 COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference, OMNI Glasgow Countdown, 10-22-21 This November’s UN climate summit — known as COP26 (Conference of the Parties), will take place in Glasgow from October 31 to November 12.  –Dick Contents Covering Climate Now (CCN) Pre-COP Press Events United for Peace and Justice 10-19-21 CCN: Greta And UN Wire 9-29-21 9-17 CCN: What’s at Stake, 9-13 OMNI Countdown, 9-4 TEXTS Diplomats are lowering expectations ahead of COP26.  Covering Climate Now <>  We’re on the cusp of […]


OMNI NUCLEAR WEAPONS ABOLITION NEWSLETTER #28 October 20, 2021.  ELIMINATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology  (#25, April 2, 2021; #26, June 13, 2021; #27, July 2021) Urge federal, state, and local legislators to sign the US version of ICAN pledge:  www.NuclearBan.US/ICANpledge. Urge legislators to co-sponsor NORTON HR 2850: Contact our Senators. Suggested reading: Disarming the Nuclear Argument by Tommon Wallis: Short videos: “the world has spoken”–MiyTKluApRQ And join  OMNI’s protests of UAF nuclear weapons research […]


OCTOBER 14, 2021. OMNI AFGHANISTAN NEWSLETTER #26, OCTOBER 14, 2021. Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace and Justice (#8 April 15, 2011; #9 June 10, 2011; #10 July 3, 2011; #11 July 13, 2011;  #12 Sept. 5, 2011; #13 Oct. 2, 2011; #14 Oct. 15, 2011; #15 Feb. 14, 2012 ; #16 April 27, 2012; #17 May 3, 2012; #18 Oct. 20, 2012; #19 Jan. 14, 2013; #20 August 17, 2013; #21, Feb. 4, 2014; #22, Feb. 22, 2015; #23, August 22, 2017; #24, Dec. 27, 2020; #25, August 22, 2021) Contribute to OMNI:  CONTENTS […]

43. WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, October 13, 2021

43. WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, October 13, 2021  CONTENTS: US WARS: Indian Wars to War of TerrorWar of Extermination of Native Americans:  Indigenous People’s   Day,  October 11, 2021Brown University’s Costs of War Project, War of TerrorWar Profiteers War of Terror WAR OF EXTERMINATION OF NATIVE AMERICANS Honor Indigenous Peoples’ Day, October 11, 2021, Veterans for Peace, 10-8-21 The federal holiday commemorating the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the “New World” is an affront to Indigenous peoples everywhere and particularly to native peoples of the Americas.  Veterans For Peace believes that the federal holiday commemorating the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the “New […]