Yearly Archives: 2021


31.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, JULY 21, 2021WAR AND PEACE AMERICA INVADES CHRISTOPHER KELLY, STUART LAYCOCK.HOW WE’VE INVADED OR BEEN MILITARILY INVOLVED WITH ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY ON EARTH.   Book Publishers Network, 2014. 396. The authors posit what many have long suspected: the United States has invaded or been militarily involved with almost every country on the globe. Kelly, a longtime military-history buff, readily admits in his introduction that he drew inspiration for his first book from Laycock’s previous work (All the Countries We Invaded: And a Few We Never Got Round To, 2012), which covers Great Britain’s overseas excursions. The two […]

31. Climate Memo Mondays, July 12, 2021

31.  Climate Memo Mondays, July 12, 2021July 11, UN World Population Day The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth by John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Richard York.  Monthly Rev. P, 2011. $15.26 – $26.00 Winner of the 2010 Gerald L. Young Book Award, bestowed by the Society for Human Ecology Humanity in the twenty-first century is facing what might be described as its ultimate environmental catastrophe: the destruction of the climate that has nurtured human civilization and with it the basis of life on earth as we know it. All ecosystems on the planet are now in decline. Enormous rifts have been driven through […]


Compiled by Dick Bennett Tom Engelhardt.  A Nation Unmade by War.  Haymarket, May 2018. Publisher’s Description From the election from hell to the future according to Donald Trump, A Nation Unmade by War surveys American exceptionalism in the age of absurdity. As veteran author Tom Engelhardt argues, despite having a more massive, technologically advanced, and better-funded military than any other power on the planet, in the last decade and a half of constant war across the Greater Middle East and parts of Africa, the United States has won nothing. Its unending wars, in fact, have only contributed to a world […]

30. Climate Memo Mondays, July 5, 2021

CLIMATE JUSTICE Sticker: Cynthia Kaufman, The Sea Is Rising And So Are We: A Climate Justice Handbook .orgThis fight for a livable climate is hard, Dick. We are up against some incredibly powerful interests, with a LOT of money at their disposal in order to maintain the status quo. And yet, with this vote, just like so many other times, this amazing movement of ours has shown that no matter how difficult it may seem at times, we are fully committed to our one true goal. We are not going to give up or let anyone shift the narrative, and […]

29. WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, JULY 7, 2021 Andrew Bacevich.  After the Apocalypse:  America’s Role in a World Transformed. The premise of this book is quite simple: Regardless of whether our self-inflicted contemporary apocalypse leads to renewal or further decline, the United States will find itself obliged to revise the premises informing America’s role in the world. Put simply, basic U.S. policy must change. “Even before COVID-19 swept the nation, taking hundreds of thousands of American lives, cumulative policy failures ought to have made it clear that a national security paradigm centered on military supremacy, global power projection, decades-old formal alliances, and wars that never seemed to […]


28.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, JUNE 30, 2021 Prevent Wars, Block US Aggression: Pass HR 256.Defend Critical Media and Denounce US Censorship and Hypocrisy.Roots of US Colonialism and Empire: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz and David Vine books reviewed by Michael E. TigarPeacemakers H.R. 256: PASSED!  Michael Galant 6-26-21 10:51 AM (1 hour ago) Dick — It was just 18 months ago when Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani, bringing Iran and the United States to the brink of a catastrophic war.  The claimed legal authority to do so? An 18-year-old law authorizing the invasion of Iraq. What have these two things got […]

29. OMNI Climate Memo Mondays, June 28, 2021 The Great Adaptation:  Climate, Capitalism and Catastrophe by Romain Felli.  Translated by David Broder.  Verso, 2021. Publisher’s description: How capitalism wants us to adapt to climate change rather than stop it.The Great Adaptation tells the story of how scientists, governments and corporations have tried to deal with the challenge that climate change poses to capitalism by promoting adaptation to its consequences, rather than combating its causes. Since the 1970s, neoliberal economists and ideologues have used climate change as an argument for creating more “flexibility” in society, for promoting more market-based solutions to environmental and social questions. This book unveils the political economy […]

The other half of the climate change problem

Great video synopsis of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Summit “Fix the Economy Fix the Climate” Invest an hour into watching this well-done video of the summit and learn how the circular economy may be a major tool to make us and the beautiful planet real partners in rebalancing the problems we’ve created. See how much incredible work is happening in a wide range of economic and agricultural areas to rebalance the out-of-what systems driving climate change. You won’t agree with all this stuff. But it’s happening and representsWatch at your own schedule