Yearly Archives: 2021

Conflict Transformation Education online for you!

Peace Week is a good time to check this out!Conflict Transformation Education online for you!from the peace experts – Peace Direct   We’re excited to tell you about the launch of our new online course, ‘Conflict Transformation’.   The course is relevant to anyone working in conflict situations. It offers a practical toolkit for building peace locally. Whether you’re working in peacebuilding, human rights, aid, development, democracy or environmental sustainability, this course can support your work.  ‘Conflict Transformation’ includes 8 modules, a variety of real life scenarios and case studies from across the world. For a limited time only, the course is […]

All Quiet on the Western Front

Sept 21 – An Intl Day of Peace Event 7:00 pm – Faulkner Performing Arts Center, UA ADMISSION FREEA Peace Week Event Co-Sponsored by the UA Dept of Communications Film Appreciation Society and Omni Center Live Accompaniment byThe Mont Alto Motion Picture OrchestraFaulkner Performing Arts Center                                     All Quiet on the Western Front opened to wide acclaim in the United States 1930. Considered a realistic and harrowing account of warfare in World War I, it made the American Film Institute‘s first 100 Years…100 Movies list in 1997. A decade later, after the same organization polled over 1,501 workers in the creative community, All Quiet on the Western […]

US Commission on Civil Rights seeks input from Arkansans

The Arkansas Advisory Committee will issue findings and recommendations in a report to the US Commission after all testimony has been received.   Release: Do you know of children with disabilities in the Arkansas education system? Are they receiving the free and appropriate public education they have a right to expect? The US Commission on Civil Rights wants to hear about their experiences from people who care. Find more information at the link.   #####   The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, established by the Civil Rights Act of 1957, is the only independent, bipartisan agency charged with advising the […]

Hiroshima Nagasaki Commemoration

Sun Aug 8 – 7:00 pm – Omni Center Outdoors, In-person as of nowLivestream and recorded on Facebook the Omni Center for Peace, Justice & Ecology page here There are critical nuclear issues going on right now, at the same time critical covid issues are also on the table. If possible, Omni will hold the annual commemoration in person on the lawn at Omni. Many wise people will be uncertain about meeting in-person, so the event will also be live-streamed and recorded. If you aren’t vaccinated, please don’t endanger yourself by attending. But some will be present, including Mayor Lioneld […]

Reapportionment Hearings Coming Up

This is important to us all!Reapportionment Hearings Coming Up Thursday August 5More info: Loriee Evans <> Hi everyone,   I wanted to share this Indivisible toolkit of resources on the upcoming Board of Apportionment public hearings that begins on July 29th. Please feel free to share, copy, grab, use the information however is most useful to your organization. It would just be great to spread the word wide about the meetings widely.   Please help to spread the word in communities and get representation at all the public hearings. Attendees will all have a chance to pass the mic, and all […]

The Royal Dutch Shell Case that Bit the Dust

Sunday Aug 1 – 1:30 pm – zoom below   “May 26th, 2021 will go down in the annals of climate change and environmental justice activism as the day a global energy giant, Royal Dutch Shell was left undone at the Dutch Hague District Court by the indefatigable litigation efforts of climate change/Environmental Activists.”   Attorney Teraine Okpoko is an energy law attorney with a broad breadth of experience spanning over 25 years of cross-border and multijurisdictional energy casework.   Zoom link   Link also available on the Omni Website      More details Teraine Okpoko and the Royal Dutch […]

Climate Solutions are hot right now but needs our help!

The most effective method for lowering emissions is a well-crafted carbon price, and Citizens Climate Lobby has been crafting their bill for a decade to achieve the best possible results. They have a bill in Congress now that has good chances of passing this session, with help from friends like us. Right now forces are coalescing to encourage this. The EU has adopted a “border tariff” which will protect their own carbon fees, but will raise costs for those outside the EU. That means that American energy companies will be charged for selling energy there, which is an excellent incentive […]

Renters Assistance and the American Rescue Plan

From: Caleb Alexander-McKinzie <> Date: Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 11:36 AM Subject: Re: Renters Assistance and the ARPA To: Lynn Foster <>   The eviction moratoriums are scheduled to end August 31. As soon as that happens families all over the country will move into crisis territory. The Justice in Government Project has put together an incredibly useful guide to the American Rescue Plan Act’s funding matrix. You can find it here. This guide has links to both functional and educational materials that is useful not only to tenants, but to landlords who want to help tenants with assistance and to local […]