Monthly Archives: December 2021

Update on the NWA Time Bank!

Omni Fundraiser page here! Let’s talk about the time bank project. That’s what the NWA Time Exchange we’re designing is. “Time Banking is a community-led innovation that uses time as currency. An hour of time provided to a Time Bank ‘earns’ a one-hour time credit that ‘buys’ an hour of another Time Bank participant’s time which may also be used to ‘buy’ other services.” (from a report from the Broadway Skills Exchange) Fayetteville is a perfect place for this to happen. We deeply value our sense of community, and the pandemic that’s isolated us is a painful reminder of what […]

Climate Change Forum on Sunday Jan 9

1:30 pm on zoomChange in schedule for the holidays The January Climate Change Forum, will be on the second Sunday this month, Jan. 9th, at 1:30 on zoom.We’ll be sharing the video of a panel examining the global, policy and community aspects of a just transition, from the global climate refugee crisis, through strategies to implement energy democracy in the US. and how we can develop community solar projects here in Arkansas. Shelley Buonaiuto, Dr. Joanna Person-Michenor and Dr. Paulette Meikle presenting. Zoom link here:

HOW COULD WE HAVE KNOWN?  A Timeline 1926-2000.

HOW COULD WE HAVE KNOWN?  A Timeline 1926-2000. Compiled by Dick Bennett, revised New Year’s Eve 2021. A CHRONOLOGICAL SAMPLE OF BOOKS, ARTICLES, FILMS, EVENTS REVEALING THE LONG, OBSTRUCTED LEARNING CURVE OF GLOBAL WARMING ANTICIPATING THE PRESENT URGENCY OF GLOBAL CHANGE BECOMING CLIMATE CATASTROPHE/EMERGENCY/CHAOS:  FROM 1926 TO 2000.   The expanded Timeline years 2000 to present will appear soon.  (Years in 18 point type; texts in 12.  Roughly, Green indicates advancing knowledge of the reality of climate change, of ensuing climate calamity, emergency, and chaos, and of resisters.  Red indicates villains and villainy defending the status quo by corporations, denial, […]

Climate Memo Mondays, #55, December 27, 2021

Climate Memo Mondays, #55, December 27, 2021: Planetary Catastrophe, Resistance in BostonContentsAlfred McCoy, Global Warming, and Twenty-First Century Catastrophe.Militaries are huge contributors to climate collapse.But Boston’s Green New Deal: mitigation, adaptation, resilience. Fifty CCMs Link Alfred McCoy.  To Govern the Globe: World Orders and Catastrophic Change.  Haymarket, 2021.  Comment by Dick Bennett, 12-26-21.       This is probably the first geopolitical history of the world oriented beginning and ending by the climate catastrophe, written to answer the question, where is the US now in this history of conquest and ruin?      The history begins with a Chronology of World Orders, […]

What’s the Buzz About? A Wild Bee Workshop

Saturday Dec 18 – 2:00 pm – Omni CenterJoin Facebook Live event here tomorrow at 2:00 pm.Livestream the Bees!At this workshop Entomology PhD student and wild bee researcher Olivia Kline will give a presentation on the importance of native bees to the local ecology and agriculture. Olivia will give an overview of the results of her research into the surprising variety of wild bees and their critical role as pollinators. She will discuss ways to promote bee populations through native plants and habitat. We will also look at simple ways to build a wild bee house for your yard.   We’re limiting […]

52. WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #52, December 15, 2021

–52.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, #52, December 15, 2021 Is Destroying Peace? Declining USA Bullies China/Russia, Earth, Outer Space, Itself: Eye-opener Readings about Ukraine, Russia, Iran, Taiwan, China Jan Oberg, Ph.D. | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service2 Dec 2021 – As I write, serious tension is building–again–around Ukraine, Iran and Taiwan while we could live in a much more peaceful and thriving world. Who and what are the constant peace destroyers? You are the object of a psychological operation to make you have only negative views about China.     Read more… Goading China to Go to War Dr. Chandra Muzaffar […]