Daily Archives: November 20, 2021

OMNI UN COP26 Glasgow Followup, #1, 11-14/ 11-17, 2021

OMNI UN COP26 Glasgow Followup, #1, 11-14/ 11-17, 2021 https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2021/11/omni-un-cop26-glasgow-followup-1-11-14.html Compiled by Dick Bennett for a Culture of Peace, Justice, and Ecology Omnicenter.org/donate/ CONTENTS NOV. 14-2014 Corporate Accountability 11-14 2015 Morning Star Online  11-15 2016Earth Overshoot 11-16 Extinction Rebellion 11-16 Avaaz 11-16 Alexandria Octavia-Cortez  11-16 2017 Insider, Sierra Magazine, 11-17 Canadian Foreign Policy Institute, 11-17 TEXTS NOV. 14- NOVEMBER 14, 2021 As we run out of time to save the planet, COP26 ends in ‘utter betrayal’Originally published: The Canary by Peadar O’Cearnaigh (November 14, 2021 )  |  – Posted Nov 16, 2021 Climate Change, Environment, Movements, StrategyGlobalNewswireExtinction Rebellion, Glasgow Climate Pact, Greta Thunberg, United Nations Climate Change […]