Daily Archives: July 24, 2021

Renters Assistance and the American Rescue Plan

From: Caleb Alexander-McKinzie <cralexander@ualr.edu> Date: Tue, Jul 20, 2021 at 11:36 AM Subject: Re: Renters Assistance and the ARPA To: Lynn Foster <lfoster5211@gmail.com>   The eviction moratoriums are scheduled to end August 31. As soon as that happens families all over the country will move into crisis territory. The Justice in Government Project has put together an incredibly useful guide to the American Rescue Plan Act’s funding matrix. You can find it here. This guide has links to both functional and educational materials that is useful not only to tenants, but to landlords who want to help tenants with assistance and to local […]


31.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, JULY 21, 2021WAR AND PEACE  https://jamesrichardbennett.blogspot.com/2021/07/war-watch-wednesdays-july-21-2021.html AMERICA INVADES CHRISTOPHER KELLY, STUART LAYCOCK.HOW WE’VE INVADED OR BEEN MILITARILY INVOLVED WITH ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY ON EARTH.   Book Publishers Network, 2014. 396. The authors posit what many have long suspected: the United States has invaded or been militarily involved with almost every country on the globe. Kelly, a longtime military-history buff, readily admits in his introduction that he drew inspiration for his first book from Laycock’s previous work (All the Countries We Invaded: And a Few We Never Got Round To, 2012), which covers Great Britain’s overseas excursions. The two […]