Monthly Archives: June 2021


28.  WAR WATCH WEDNESDAYS, JUNE 30, 2021 Prevent Wars, Block US Aggression: Pass HR 256.Defend Critical Media and Denounce US Censorship and Hypocrisy.Roots of US Colonialism and Empire: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz and David Vine books reviewed by Michael E. TigarPeacemakers H.R. 256: PASSED!  Michael Galant 6-26-21 10:51 AM (1 hour ago) Dick — It was just 18 months ago when Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani, bringing Iran and the United States to the brink of a catastrophic war.  The claimed legal authority to do so? An 18-year-old law authorizing the invasion of Iraq. What have these two things got […]

29. OMNI Climate Memo Mondays, June 28, 2021 The Great Adaptation:  Climate, Capitalism and Catastrophe by Romain Felli.  Translated by David Broder.  Verso, 2021. Publisher’s description: How capitalism wants us to adapt to climate change rather than stop it.The Great Adaptation tells the story of how scientists, governments and corporations have tried to deal with the challenge that climate change poses to capitalism by promoting adaptation to its consequences, rather than combating its causes. Since the 1970s, neoliberal economists and ideologues have used climate change as an argument for creating more “flexibility” in society, for promoting more market-based solutions to environmental and social questions. This book unveils the political economy […]

The other half of the climate change problem

Great video synopsis of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Summit “Fix the Economy Fix the Climate” Invest an hour into watching this well-done video of the summit and learn how the circular economy may be a major tool to make us and the beautiful planet real partners in rebalancing the problems we’ve created. See how much incredible work is happening in a wide range of economic and agricultural areas to rebalance the out-of-what systems driving climate change. You won’t agree with all this stuff. But it’s happening and representsWatch at your own schedule

PEACE IS BUILDING Department of Peacebuilding Past and Future

Twenty years ago, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH) introduced into Congress a bill to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace (DoP). This was exactly two months before 9-11-2001.  PEACE IS A PART OF AMERICA’S DNA from the days of George Washington, but how do we transition to a culture of peace? That is the question.  A DoP is part of the answer. Going forward, we continue to build support for the Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2021 (DoP 2021) which is sponsored by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (CA).  We need your help.On this 20th anniversary of DoP legislation, we commemorate those who have remained steadfast in the goal of making peace and violence […]

Conflict Transformation Education online for you!

from the peace experts – Peace Direct   We’re excited to tell you about the launch of our new online course, ‘Conflict Transformation’.  The course is relevant to anyone working in conflict situations. It offers a practical toolkit for building peace locally. Whether you’re working in peacebuilding, human rights, aid, development, democracy or environmental sustainability, this course can support your work. ‘Conflict Transformation’ includes 8 modules, a variety of real life scenarios and case studies from across the world. For a limited time only, the course is free of charge until the end of August 2021.   We request the honor of your […]

US Commission on Civil Rights seeks input from Arkansans

The Arkansas Advisory Committee will issue findings and recommendations in a report to the US Commission after all testimony has been received.   Release: Do you know of children with disabilities in the Arkansas education system? Are they receiving the free and appropriate public education they have a right to expect? The US Commission on Civil Rights wants to hear about their experiences from people who care. Find more information at the link.   #####   The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, established by the Civil Rights Act of 1957, is the only independent, bipartisan agency charged with advising the […]

75th Anniversary of Nuclear Bombing in Marshall Islands

April L. Brown, Marshallese Education for more informationJune 29-July 1 – zoom Dear Friends, The Marshallese Educational Initiative welcomes you to attend (virtually) a series of events to mark the 75th anniversary of the first nuclear test in the Marshall Islands: Our Shared Nuclear Legacy: Assessing Health Impacts and Inequality on the 75th Anniversary of the First Nuclear Test The coronavirus pandemic has had a disproportionate impact upon Marshallese in diaspora due, in part, to the ongoing consequences of US nuclear testing. To mark the 75th anniversary (July 1, 1946 Pacific) of the first nuclear test on Bikini Atoll, […]

Omni Peace Awards for 2021

Get the whole story at this link to the Fullbright News from UA: click here. Lindsey Aloia, associate professor in the Department of Communication, who received the John E. King Award for Outstanding Service Jingyi Chen, professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, who received the Nolan Faculty Award Kusum Naithani, assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, who received the OMNI Keeling/Hansen Climate Science Award Lisa Corrigan, professor in the Department of Communication, who received the OMNI Center for World Peace and Justice Faculty Award