Daily Archives: January 15, 2021

National Day of Racial Healing

Arkansas to host a week-long observance of the National Day of Racial HealingMon Jan 18-22American Public Health Association is sponsoring a national day for this important peace health and peace issue. Arkansas participates for the first time!Activities at link belowfile:///C:/Users/glady/Downloads/2021%20NDORH%20Press%20Release.pdf

8 Billion Angels

FREE FILM FROM POPULATION CONNECTION Please forward. Thanks, Dick BennettJoin us for our 2021 kick-off event! We’re excited to announce we will be hosting a virtual film screening of 8 Billion Angels, a story exploring how rapid population growth has pushed the limits of our planet’s resources in different regions of the world. Upon registration, the film will be available to view at your leisure between January 28th and February 2nd. We will wrap up the on-demand screening period with a LIVE panel discussion on February 2nd at 7pm ET/4pm PT. Links to register for these events are provided below, we […]

What I Can’t Get Out of My Mind

They’re apparitions from the insurrection last week. They rage and rant. They scream and chant. The scene that keeps coming back is a hoard of ostensible Republicans chanting “hang Mike Pence” like banshees. The white-hot energy of the experience is ricocheting through the stratospheres of the country, whether we attended or not.Progressives really need to talk about this.Read PeaceWeaver post here