Yearly Archives: 2020

Community Defends Humanity (and vice versa)

We humans are looking for transcendent gems of wisdom and power that can guide us beyond the morass we’re caught up in to a place we can barely imagine at this moment. What guru knows the secret we’re grasping for? The problems are so complex and the powers so entrenched it seems hopeless. To move toward a post-covid age of true human-ness we need to know about more of the marvelous work being done on this planet to let us move toward that reality with confidence. Here is a group doing powerful work to protect communities from the ravages of […]

Most of the young people I talk to are carrying a heavy emotional weight right now. It pains my soul to sense what it feels like to be the generation that came of age in covid times. Children even younger are feeling it too. You’ve seen babies struggling with their masks. It brings tears to the eyes to wonder what the world will be like when they come of age. For peace people it’s incumbent on us to put out some good visions at times like this. We won’t get that from the news. This story from the Network Weaver’s […]

Ozark Uplift is where we live. The ground we walk on.

… It’s not fun being a covid hotspot. Don’t be ashamed to admit it’s scary, because it’s scary. REALLY scary. Even when you’re safe and comfy in a lovely home, the danger lurks both for you and people you love. And so many aren’t comfy. We need every resource available to move through this as a connected and cohesive community. What’s feeding your soul?Omni just opened a new facebook group we’ll call “Ozark Uplift”. It’s a Facebook group to share some of those things that uplift you during covid times. There’s room here for writings, images, videos or re-posts that […]

Juneteenth in a Strange Time

Today is Juneteenth. Especially relevant as the country opens up to Black Lives Matter action and us white people learn more of our own part in the history. #LetsTalkNWA – a partner of the NWA Center for Sexual Assault – will be celebrating tonight, and invites you to join them virtually. It looks like a wonderful and informative party. Check it out on their facebook tonight.

Helping the Hurt in Washington County

Here we are in our second week of being a major covid hotspot. How does it feel for you, friends? It’s not all that fun, is it? Several of my Hispanic friends are dealing with covid in their families and today I’m just feeling huge sadness for the anxiety creeping into our lives as this becomes our reality.The NWA New Sanctuary Network has set up a fund to help immigrant families in our area. Especially some who aren’t eligible for the kind of government assistance that most of us receive. My friend Irma Chavez of Arkansas United is orchestrating food […]

Path to a World of Love and Justice

Map to a different world from Tikkun Community… If we want a loving and caring society that truly values the lives of Black and Brown peoples, and all people of color, we need to recognize and come to terms with how our country was founded and the impact of the past policies on the present. We also need to acknowledge and transform present day policies and practices that are discriminatory.The issues addressed in our Path to a World of Love and Justice are all relevant to the issues of institutional and individual racism in our society. Without a fundamental challenge to the […]

Climate Change Forum News

Upcoming Virtual Climate Change Forum July 5 – 1:30 pmRegenerating Earth and Human Life Geoff Olesner will present. A link will follow for a virtual program on Go to MeetingGeoff has worked with the Findhorn Community in Scotland, the Nuclear Information and Resource Center, OMNI, Arkansas Public Policy Panel, Citizen’s Climate Lobby, Wild Foundation, The Institute for Noetic Sciences, and members of the British Commonwealth’s initiative to reverse climate change. He also generates collaborations between climate scientists and individuals with profound intuitive gifts, as part of an unorthodox effort to address the climate crisis with greater insight and innovation.Geoff will focus […]

Native Plants, Green Roofs, and LID

Save the Earth From Your Front YardStarting SaturdayVirtual Webinar Native Plants, Green Roofs, and LID Saturday June 13 – 3:00-5:00 pm – link belowOmni Center partners with Arkansas Native Plant Society, Washington County Extension Service, and Ozark Green Roofs to give you ways to create an environmentally friendly place for wildlife, improve soil and water quality, rain gardens, green roofs, lots of other low-impact development inspiration (that’s what LID means), and phytoremediation. To find out what that is, you must attend the webinar.To get the zoom link for this talk, you must register through emailing Jane at If you […]