Yearly Archives: 2020

Where do we go from here? From Protest to Policy

Weds August 19 – 7:00 pmZoom link and information at the Facebook eventD’Andre JonesAllies you have been asking where do we go from here, I am honored and eternally grateful to be apart of this illustrious panel with these amazing brilliant African American women. These women will address policy change in education, criminal justice, economic mobility and community engagement and participation. Join us Wednesday August 19th 7 pm. This will be the most informative opportunity for ally’s in the state!!! #Protesttopolicy!!#Reform!!#Blackwomenlead!!

Scary election simulation compared to Black Lives Matter

A war game exercise simulating the 2020 election unmasks some key vulnerabilities, compared to Black Lives Matter.I’m not saying all is lost. I’m just reading the same news you are and coming to terms with what we’re up against if we want to stay free and democratic. This article from Atlantic really got my attention……Scary election simulation – PeaceWeaver Blog

Films about Nonviolence

Nonviolence International – films about nonvolence Movements and Monuments archivist Mischa Gabowitsch about this collection I initially compiled a list of films about nonviolent resistance in preparation for a workshop about the history, theory, and practice of nonviolence that I organized as part of the Berlin Colloquia on Contemporary History in February 2012. Later I incorporated suggestions collected by Beate Sissenich via the amsoc mailing list and by Stellan Vinthagen via the Nonviolent Research Network as well as a number of other films I have come across since. Inclusion in the list does not constitute endorsement (some of these films are outstanding, while others are terrible), nor […]

Thank Healthcare Workers at Fayetteville Chalk The Park

Saturday Aug 8 – 9-11:00 am Wilson ParkMore info Contact: Dean Rawlings Recreation Programs Manager 479-444-3474  Visitors Invited to “Chalk the Park” at Wilson Park this Saturday FAYETTEVILLE, Ark—Fayetteville residents and visitors are invited to create chalk art in Wilson Park this Saturday, August 8, from 9 to 11 a.m. during “Chalk the Park,” an event to honor and thank our healthcare workers.   Chalk artists of all ages may help decorate the Wilson Park Trail with chalked art, quotes and/or messages to show appreciation for healthcare workers who have been on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19 […]

The Great Shame 75 Years After the Big Bomb

Yesterday seventy-five years ago the world changed for the worse when we – us the “good guys” dropped an atom bomb on 340,000 people in Hiroshima. Within the next couple of months 140,000 of them died. 70,000 immediately in the blast, the rest in agony from injuries and radiation poison.  A few thousand were soldiers. The rest were civilians. Almost all civilians.We should not have done that.  Never.  It was a despicable act that stains us in the same way that our hidden histories of racism and genocide have made this culture of embedded entitlement and legal greed what it is.The atomic […]

Path to a World of Love and Justice

Map to a different world from Tikkun Community … If we want a loving and caring society that truly values the lives of Black and Brown peoples, and all people of color, we need to recognize and come to terms with how our country was founded and the impact of the past policies on the present. We also need to acknowledge and transform present day policies and practices that are discriminatory. The issues addressed in our Path to a World of Love and Justice are all relevant to the issues of institutional and individual racism in our society. Without a fundamental challenge […]

PEACE Educators Newsletter

On saving good childcare in the pandemic Peace Educators Allied for Children Everywhere Some topics: Guidelines for reopening; pandemic relief needed to save childcare in America; and exploitation of Black and Brown women in the childcare industry.

Race. Gender. Empire and a Future.

Yesterday I watched a pretty astounding webinar from Yes! Magazine, “The Pandemic Portal, How This Moment Changes Everything”.  If you’re not familiar with Yes! this is your introduction to a world of pragmatic hope based on purposeful action. Please check them out at the link HERE. The webinar really was astounding. I tuned in because David Korten was there and he’s written some great things, but his role here was to back up Nafeez Ahmed, who’s pretty much awesome.    AMAZING QUESTIONS ANSWERED: What role did viruses play in the evolution of life on planet earth? Is it possible to create systems […]