Daily Archives: November 21, 2020

Ready to welcome new refugees again! Canopy NWA needs you

Covid and the as-yet unresolved threat to democracy are still the number one issues on most of our minds. But those other threats have not vanished, and never too far away from our thoughts.  Turning some attention to some of those very important issues like the well-being of immigrants and refugees, and such. Some of which may bring you great joy. This one from Canopy NWA, for instance.https://www.canopynwa.org/blog One of the first acts Biden/Harris will take in January of 2021 is a recommitment to refugee resettlement. Such resettlement is designated each year by the executive branch. For the past few decades, the […]

The Bifurcatio that could have been worse

We could have turned the other way, but we managed to choose this road, and the turn makes a difference.  We still don’t know what’s down here. We didn’t leave covid behind, the climate is still in collapse, the corporate state is still in charge, and the president’s followers are glumly trapped on the bus with us… and they might bring guns. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.I hope you don’t worry that we picked the wrong road… Read the whole story here: Bifurcatio ..