Daily Archives: October 17, 2020

Register to use Markham Hill trails

Invitation from Lisa OrtonDear Friends of Markham Hill,Developer SREG is opening a trail on the 50 acres they promise to preserve on the west side of Markham Hill. You must register (only once), promising not to sue if hurt on their property. The link is below. Friends of Markham Hill asks that SREG shows the same care by valuing and protecting all 140 acres (144 minus the 4 acres they have deforested already on Markham Rd leading up the hill). SREG and their Markham Hill stakeholders can get all their investment back and make a profit by only building their 20 luxury […]


’ve got some exciting news for you. In fact, this is the most exciting thing that’s happened since we started Powered by People. But first, let me give you an idea of how far we’ve come and what we have left to do.Over the last 7 months, Powered by People volunteers have registered over 100,000 voters and made over 40 million voter contact attempts. These new voters and these newly engaged voters could make the difference in critical elections up and down the ballot.Now, with early voting about to start, and Election Day so close we can see it, we […]

Check Out Vote Forward!

Monday Oct 12votefwd.org!! Writing letters to infrequent voters is one of the most effective ways to help increase election turnout in 2020. And you can do it right from home!It takes two minutes and one stamp, and meaningfully increases the odds* that the recipient will vote. It’s a concrete action you can take, no matter where you live, to get unlikely-to-vote fellow citizens to the polls. They have various campaigns you can sign up for, that focus on registered Democrats in swing states who often don’t vote.*randomized studies showed an increase of 2-3% — enough to make a big difference in a swing state.

Climate League Hosts New Climate Justice Forum: Local Stories

Tues Oct 20 – times and links when you registerHow is climate change impacting Arkansans and how can we respond effectively and with compassion to this local and global threat?Join our four speakers for a live interactive discussion addressing these questions. After you register, you will receive a verification email with both the Zoom link and call in phone number.Our individual supporters make programming like this event possible! You can help empower other climate advocates by simply adding a donation when you register.https://arkccl.networkforgood.com/events/23835-climate-justice-local-stories-community-solutions

The Dawn After the Election Storm… Really

Choose Democracy: the case for a Nonviolent Version of the Story Our scale for rating scary keeps adding more numbers to the top of the graph as we come to terms with the idea that this is what social breakdown looks like. Scary. And the desperate need to do something about it is on everyone’s mind. As Omni folks I expect you’re searching for a nonviolent solution that works for everyone. As time goes on those solutions seem harder and harder to find through the forest of guns and rhetoric that seems to be boiling up around us. What we’ve always said is […]