Monthly Archives: July 2020

Path to a World of Love and Justice

Map to a different world from Tikkun Community … If we want a loving and caring society that truly values the lives of Black and Brown peoples, and all people of color, we need to recognize and come to terms with how our country was founded and the impact of the past policies on the present. We also need to acknowledge and transform present day policies and practices that are discriminatory. The issues addressed in our Path to a World of Love and Justice are all relevant to the issues of institutional and individual racism in our society. Without a fundamental challenge […]

PEACE Educators Newsletter

On saving good childcare in the pandemic Peace Educators Allied for Children Everywhere Some topics: Guidelines for reopening; pandemic relief needed to save childcare in America; and exploitation of Black and Brown women in the childcare industry.

Race. Gender. Empire and a Future.

Yesterday I watched a pretty astounding webinar from Yes! Magazine, “The Pandemic Portal, How This Moment Changes Everything”.  If you’re not familiar with Yes! this is your introduction to a world of pragmatic hope based on purposeful action. Please check them out at the link HERE. The webinar really was astounding. I tuned in because David Korten was there and he’s written some great things, but his role here was to back up Nafeez Ahmed, who’s pretty much awesome.    AMAZING QUESTIONS ANSWERED: What role did viruses play in the evolution of life on planet earth? Is it possible to create systems […]

Community Defends Humanity (and vice versa)

We humans are looking for transcendent gems of wisdom and power that can guide us beyond the morass we’re caught up in to a place we can barely imagine at this moment. What guru knows the secret we’re grasping for? The problems are so complex and the powers so entrenched it seems hopeless. To move toward a post-covid age of true human-ness we need to know about more of the marvelous work being done on this planet to let us move toward that reality with confidence. Here is a group doing powerful work to protect communities from the ravages of […]

Most of the young people I talk to are carrying a heavy emotional weight right now. It pains my soul to sense what it feels like to be the generation that came of age in covid times. Children even younger are feeling it too. You’ve seen babies struggling with their masks. It brings tears to the eyes to wonder what the world will be like when they come of age. For peace people it’s incumbent on us to put out some good visions at times like this. We won’t get that from the news. This story from the Network Weaver’s […]