Daily Archives: June 21, 2020

Juneteenth in a Strange Time

Today is Juneteenth. Especially relevant as the country opens up to Black Lives Matter action and us white people learn more of our own part in the history. #LetsTalkNWA – a partner of the NWA Center for Sexual Assault – will be celebrating tonight, and invites you to join them virtually. It looks like a wonderful and informative party. Check it out on their facebook tonight.

Helping the Hurt in Washington County

Here we are in our second week of being a major covid hotspot. How does it feel for you, friends? It’s not all that fun, is it? Several of my Hispanic friends are dealing with covid in their families and today I’m just feeling huge sadness for the anxiety creeping into our lives as this becomes our reality.The NWA New Sanctuary Network has set up a fund to help immigrant families in our area. Especially some who aren’t eligible for the kind of government assistance that most of us receive. My friend Irma Chavez of Arkansas United is orchestrating food […]