Monthly Archives: April 2020

Virtual Town Hall African American Healthcare in the Face of COVID

Saturday April 18 – 6:00 pm to receive event link contact Lance Reed, From D’Andre Jones:The Black Cultural Action Committee of Compassion Fayetteville and The OMNI Center are excited about hosting a virtual town hall Saturday April 18th. We have a team of African American healthcare providers of Dr Uche Obi, Shawndra Washington, pharmacist, Dr Kamra Elizabeth Mays Thompson President of the Arkansas Psychologist Association and State Rep Denise Garner!! Lance D Reed a doctoral student at the Chicago Professional School of Psychology will be the facilitator!! Arkansas residents throughout the state are invited to be a part!! A […]

Hi Omni folks. Are you getting settled in to a new COVID19 routine?

Hi Omni folks. Are you getting settled in to a new COVID19 routine?Are you finding good things to do for your community? Feeling productive and connected? If you’re linked in to good people and places, and have what you need to live ok while we struggle through this, that’s so great. But we know that everybody isn’t in that comfortable place and do need some help right now. A big part of building peace and justice in our community during a crisis means having each other’s backs. The injustice baked into our authoritarian system shows up harshly at times like […]

Fayetteville Celebrates Earth Day with Litter-Grabber Giveaway and Pledge

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Thursday, April 9, 2020  Contact: Heather EllzeyEnvironmental EducatorRecycling and Trash  Contact: Kristina JonesVolunteer and Community Programs CoordinatorParks and  Fayetteville Celebrates Earth Day with Litter-Grabber Giveaway and Pledge  FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — April 22, 2020 marks the fiftieth anniversary of Earth Day, and Fayetteville is celebrating by giving out litter-grabbers and t-shirts and inviting citizens to sign an online Earth Day Pledge to participate in clean-up of the City’s parks and trails. The City of Fayetteville and Experience Fayetteville initially teamed up with municipalities along the Razorback Regional Greenway Corridor to plan a region-wide cleanup of the […]