Monthly Archives: March 2018

Invitation to Peace People

Invitation to Peace People Special People Power Meeting Monday March 5 – 6:30 pm – OMNI We all want a welcoming, safe, and prosperous community. And when some of us aren’t safe, none of us are safe. That’s more true now than its ever been. You can help protect people’s rights in Washington County by understanding what the 4th Amendment really means for your family and your neighbors. People Power of Washington County will unveil this Know Your Rights Campaign in the coming weeks. We’ll work with other groups to support the rights and well-being of immigrants, refugees, and all […]

Save the Buffalo Again!

Save the Buffalo Again! Time Sensitive URGENT ACTION ALERT! YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOW Special interests are threatening to undermine ADEQ’s ability to protect clean water during the upcoming legislative special session. Call the Governor and your State Legislators today—let them know that you strongly favor protecting the Buffalo River and you want them to stand up against all efforts that would harm her. More information here: Contact for your Arkansas representatives Contact Governor Hutchinson 501-682-2345 or email