Yearly Archives: 2017

Transition NWA

Sunday Jan 8 – 1:30-3:00 pm OMNI Center Moving our community off fossil fuels while there’s still time.  You’re invited to come check us out Transition NWA facebook page

Open Mic Simple Special

Rescheduled for holiday Sunday February 8 – 7:00 pm at OMNI Greetings Open Mic folks and friends! OH MY…The FIRST SUNDAY this month was Jan 1st. At the last Open Mic for Peace, Ellis suggested that we move it up a week to the 8th! Great idea but we forgot to tell everyone that! So the first Open Mic of 2017 will be on Sunday the 8th of Jan. instead of the 1st as everyone will be recuperating from NYE (Right?). 3274 N. Lee Ave, Fayetteville