Activities This Week
Climate Chang e Book Forum
Sun March 6, 1:30 pm
Fayetteville Public Library Board Room
Lolly Tindol presents. The topic is “The Law of the Ecological Commons,” presenter Lolly Tindol. This is a specific follow-up on the January “Law of the Commons,” a video presentaion by David Bollier. “The Law of the Ecological Commons” is a postive alternative to the predatory nature of the global economy as to our natural resources.
Online Readings to prepare are:
1. google David click on “New to the Commons” and go to “Law of the Ecological Commons.”
2. google The Ecology of Law by Capra and Mattei, read a book review
3. google Green Governance by Bollier and Weston, read a book review
Compassion Month Kickoff at OMNI
Sun March 6, 2:00
OMNI Center
Compassion Fayetteville opens up a full Compassion schedule for March, that will be unveiled at this kickoff event. Nine inspiring speakers get their 3-minutes of fame, and tell us the incredible and compassionate things they are doing to make life better for their Fayetteville neighbors. Refreshments and free hugs provided.
Open Mic for Peace – March!
Sun March 6, 7:00 pm
OMNI Center
Here comes the Open Mic For Peace– this Sunday. It’s a busy day!
There is going to be a wonderful Compassion Fayetteville kickoff event at Omni Center from 2 to 4 that will include some of our own open mic stars contributing songs– Charlie Watson, Judi Neal, and Ellis Ralph.
In honor of their kickoff, why don’t we try to think of songs of compassion for our open mic on Sunday. That is the theme- Ccompassion. But as always, all songs and words of peace, justice or ecology are welcome.
Civil Rights Roundtable
Mon March 7, 6:30 pm
OMNI Center
Justice Week is finished, but the need for justice continues. Please join us.
In Transition 2.0 – the movie
Tues March 8, 6:00 pm
More info at the facebook event. This is important to Northwest Arkansas, folks.
Arkansans for Compassionate Care
Thurs March 10, 6:00 pm
The need for drug law reform is getting addressed at the ballot box. Here are people who are getting it done, and you can join them.
Goddess Festival 2016 is coming!
March 18-27