Solar Panels for OMNI Center

Change of Date
Saturday August 26 – 5:00-7:00 pm – OMNI Center

OMNI wants to walk its talk, and you can help. We want to do our part to save ourselves from climate change. Less fossil fuel use is really important, and renewable energy systems are critical. In some parts of the country solar panels are on every roof. But not in Arkansas! Northwest Arkansas should be leading the way on this.

Come learn about the solar roof project. Who’s doing it? What will happen? When will it happen? Why now?

Enviro engineer Terry Temwell and other experts will be there to give information and answer questions. If you are considering solar for your own energy systems, here is a good place to explore.

Join OMNI folks and friends for the fundraising kickoff party to find out everything you need to know. Please be prepared to donate something to make this big step forward for our community.